You can then select a file or use drag and drop. To add a new wallpaper in Lively, just click the Add Wallpaper button at the top. Treat yourself to some Doughnuts and Kittens.Smash through walls or pop some bubbles for stress relief.Interact with these wondering cartoon characters.Set your background to some looping YouTube visualizations.Use Miro’s simple web whiteboard as a canvas for sketches and sticky notes.View Minecraft screenshots that correspond to the current weather.Put a giant analog clock on your desktop.Use the web version of Tabliss for auto-updating photo backgrounds and informational widgets.Pretty much any website with live, updating information or visuals can make a great background in Lively Wallpaper. To add a website in Lively, just click the Add Wallpaper button at the top, paste your website into the URL field, then click the arrow button. This transforms the app from a source of pretty scenery into an endless source of amusement or productivity. Dynamic wallpapers and looping videos are neat, but Lively’s true potential comes from turning websites into desktop backgrounds.